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If you think snacking and a sedentary lifestyle are responsible for weight gain:

Writer: Marco PaonessaMarco Paonessa

Do not read this article


If losing weight is a concern for some people, and we only speak for them (not judging or dictating normality for all). The bad reflex is to focus on the visible part of the iceberg. This visible part is obviously nutrition and physical inactivity.

Communication on the networks, TV, newspapers will also be done on this part, to sell: drugs, super-food, food processor, sports equipment, etc.

But when we want to carry out a real process of change, because that is the subject: we must orient ourselves towards the base. As a life coach, I often notice a confusion between cause and symptom on this topic.

Indeed, if we eat poorly and / or sedentary it can be a symptom (and not a cause) for example stress or others as we will see later. We must therefore go further upstream in the chain of consequences.

To be precise, even simplistic, jumping on the packet of crisps and finishing it in record time is a strong need. Even though we know that's not a good thing in the long run.

If we understand that taking a walk or simple movements (not to mention sports) would do us the greatest good, we can voluntarily dodge it too to meet another need that is in priority position in our mental map.

I The hidden part of the iceberg.

We know that bad eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle go against our present and future interests. We feel it in our body, the impact of bad food and not moving alters our well-being.

If we have any doubts, a simple 10-day test can surely change your mind. The impacts are numerous on the quality of sleep, the management of one's emotions, one's sensations and the simple way of looking at oneself.

The packet of crisps on the desk or the chocolate bar in the evening in front of the TV/computer are various sources that meet a need. We have a real need that we are not really aware of and we grab a quick fix that is ultimately not adequate, but sets up a bad habit and leaves our original need unfulfilled.

If we precisely detect this need, then it is easier to stop certain habits. This is the starting point in his approach to change in his nutrition and sedentary lifestyle. The most common needs that I detect during my sessions are the needs: affection, respectability or security.

II How to burn instead of accumulate

For weight gain and loss, it makes sense… And even accounting.

And yes, it's like your wallet. There are calories coming in and going out… Differentiate between credits versus debits and you will have your weight variation. The little voice that will make you believe that a root from the other side of the world, or the drool of such a reptile will break this subtraction will only be an illusion or will give an epsilonesque result.

Behind this subtraction, you have to be more subtle and, even the granularity of the proposals due to your specificities (history, personality, age, habits, physiology, etc.).

Undernourishment is a self-destructive act on the body and can have irreparable consequences. So the nutritional quality and the quality of the organization of its movement (not to say sport) takes its place.

To find out if a meal was nutritionally correct. There is a simple test. At the moment, you have a return of taste sensations… then a general return on the state of your body.

Taste buds?

This is the research axis of the research/development labs of agri-food companies... It is the axis for hacking our system, creating a strong need and hitting our wallet.

In an evolutionary logic: For 150,000 years, on average, we have lived in a food-poor world. So our body, for its survival and therefore its search for energy (fructose and carbohydrate) has tools so as not to leave a beautiful mango lying around on our way... or even the ripe apple on its tree in front of us, etc. Because our ancestor may not see any more for 10 days... so We have tools giving us a strong attraction for certain tastes, for our survival.

But the problem is that this sharp taste, for good reasons (our survival) has faced an oversupply of food for 50 years in the West. In short, we have an ice cream machine at the North Pole… And that can turn against us.

Our body through the generations adapts to the environment... the people of the plains are taller than those of the mountains to move faster. Populations subject to cold have more lipids than those in hot countries to protect themselves. Hair: frizzy and black in hot countries, blond and straight in cold countries. This is the product of adaptive evolution, not chance. But this evolution is in a very slow temporal space, considering 50 years as infinitely small… So, we are not adapted to this oversupply… and even more: it is an intelligently vicious supply…

But, the taste buds have a virtue that we must listen to: quickly analyze whether it is toxic or not... A rotting fruit, sour milk... Today, this is the advantage of the taste buds: detecting in time real a toxic element or not.

Obviously, the pleasure of taste is there during a good meal, but we must not forget the logic of this tool... to make these moments convivial... extraordinary, therefore out of the ordinary.

And for the salt?

For salt, same thing. For 150,000 years, we have been able to lose our lives through injury... With, among other things, cuts... so the loss of liquid (plasma, etc.) is a concern. Salt is hyperosmolar, this means it retains our liquids (blood) and our body is not adapted to the loss of sodium. And for, once again, good reasons… Keeping our liquids for our survival, especially in the event of a cut or difficult exogenous situations. If I take salt (added by manufacturers, to inflate the taste) I keep the liquids and therefore I increase my blood pressure (more liquid in the same "plumbing" increases the pressure).

How to know if what I eat is good: Listening to our body.

At the moment, we have the indicator of our taste buds… We have already discussed this. You have to know how to have good times, but not to be fooled... he is not coming today for our good in the medium and long term... He is a tool in a world where food is scarce.

After 45mins, even 1 hour, you have a response from our body… If our meal was nutritious, we feel strong and light.

So poor... we feel tired, tense and hungry... Yes the poorer it is nutritionally the more hungry we are after 1 hour and therefore have to eat again... Their business is well organized isn't it? Our intestines take nutrients for the whole body. If there is nothing to take to repair, build, nourish our cells, we will have rapid feedback.

Getting into or getting back into sport can be difficult for a whole host of specific, historical, social reasons… But a healthy approach that puts things in the right place and in a step-by-step process can change everything. If this subject resonates with you, I let you see this little program online.


1. Put on paper what you consider to be bad habits.
2. What need would there be for each of them?
3. Try to find the right answer to these needs and remove bad habits.


Relaxologue praticien agréé ASCA

Life coach certifié



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